alessandra ambrosio lingerie galleries Weight Loss Miracle - Self-hypnosis Plus the South Beach Diet

Friday, August 13, 2010

Weight Loss Miracle - Self-hypnosis Plus the South Beach Diet
The South Beach diet is one of the most widely used ways to lose weight today. It is based around diet and lifestyle changes that help you steadily lose weight. By cutting out \"bad\" fats and carbohydrates and having plenty of \"good\" ones, dieters can take weight off without feeling deprived or sacrificing their health. There are three stages in the diet program. During the first phase, dieters avoid all carbohydrates except for vegetables. Although many foods are restricted, dieters still have a wide range of foods they can eat. The first phase is the most difficult phase, but also the shortest since it only takes fourteen days. Dieters can expect to lose around ten pounds during this time. In phase two, dieters begin incorporating the previously banned carb-rich foods into their meals. Dieters are expected to lose 1 to 2 pounds each week while steadily raising the volume of carbohydrates they eat. The second phase lasts until dieters attain their target weight. The third phase is the maintenance phase. Dieters utilize their healthy eating strategies from phase two to maintain their goal weight throughout the duration of their lives. If dieters start to put on weight, they may go back to the first phase of the diet. It is likely that you have seen pre-prepared South Beach meals and snacks sold in stores. These items are handy, but you do not need to buy them in order to follow the diet. You only need to commit to the different general guidelines for each phase of the diet. During phase one of the diet, you are permitted to consume lean meats, such as turkey, chicken, and fish, eggs, most vegetables, nuts, and a limited amount of dairy products. Fruit juices and fruit are not eaten during this phase because they are high in sugar. Also banned are all carbohydrates, fatty cuts of meat, alcohol, and a few vegetables that are rather high in sugar content, such as corn. The point of this phase is to ban \"bad\" carbohydrates from your diet and initiate the process of losing weight. During the second phase, dieters gradually reintroduce fruit, whole grains, and other banned foods into their diet. In the process, dieters learn how to adjust their diet to maintain a desirable weight. Once this is successfully accomplished, the diet moves into the life maintenance phase, in which dieters attempt to maintain the healthy habits that brought them to their desired weight. The factor for success with the South Beach program is committing to eating healthy. Although that appears easy, this diet program and most other diet programs stop working because dieters abandon the diet before the program can achieve results. The challenges that most dieters have with weight loss often result from deep-rooted issues such as a lack of drive to lose weight, a habit of binge eating, or out-of-control appetite. The good thing is that all of these issues can be resolved with techniques that anyone can learn from a high quality hypnotherapy weight loss CD program. To treat a lack of motivation, a technique from a technology called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) will induce a strong desire to stick to your dieting goals. To begin, dieters pinpoint precisely what it is that is most important to them, as a person. This is called their \"highly valued criteria.\" Then, NLP techniques are applied to make the dieters feel that by losing weight, their highly valued criteria will become enhanced. An alternative is to make the dieter feel that if they do not lose weight, their highly valued criteria will be placed in jeopardy. Motivation comes from what we believe in, not from logic! So in the previous case, let us say that the dieter\'s most highly valued desire is that the dieter\'s children are happy and safe. Using an NLP tool called Submodalities, we can guide the dieter into feeling that if she or he is unable to lose weight, the children will be condemned to emulating their parent and they will be overweight and unhappy. This type of belief will provide a strong desire and feeling to stick to a diet and take the weight off. Several NLP techniques can help to reduce or even completely remove the urges and cravings that prompt one to eat too much. This works very well to help dieters stick to the first and most challenging weeks of the South Beach diet. Furthermore, helps dieters commit to an exercise program, which will increase the usefulness of any diet program. Stress is an issue that often drives people to eat too much or stop paying attention to their health, but stress-relief is offered by both hypnosis and NLP techniques. One such tool is called the NLP Flash. With this technique, having the unconscious use stressful thoughts as triggers for relaxing thoughts relieves the stress that causes the impulse to eat excessively. Out-of-control eating habits can also cause people to put on weight. A lot of people have seemingly unmanageable eating habits because over the years, they have developed a \"conditioned response\" to eat under certain circumstances. For example, many of us snack on junk food in front of the television even though we aren\'t actually hungry. The good thing is, hypnosis and NLP both have techniques that can quickly eliminate these conditioned responses. These techniques eliminate the appetite without drugs or pills. By targeting the underlying problems that prevent people from shedding pounds, NLP and hypnosis has helped many people finally get in the best shape of their lives. When used with the South Beach plan, dieters may enjoy easy weight loss and success at achieving their fitness goals.

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